
Untuk Peserta dari Indonesia (YB-land) silakan ikuti
Juklak Indonesia

Time :
Every June 2nd Weekend
Contest will start : 14 June 2025 -> 00:00 UTC – 23:59 UTC ( 24 Hours )

Next Schedule :

  • June 13, 2026
  • June 12, 2027
  • June 10, 2028
  • June 9, 2029


  • Commemorating ORARI’s 57th Anniversary ( 1968 – 2025 )
  • For amateurs around the world to contact as many other amateurs in as many countries and Indonesia ( YB Land ) stations
  • Everyone Worked Everyone


  • Contact should made on 3.5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 MHz.
  • No WARC bands.

Mode SSB :

  • All Indonesia Stations : 5/9 + ORARI
    YB0ET -> 5/9 ORARI, 7A0B -> 5/9 ORARI
  • All Foreigners who QRV From Indonesia : YB0/KY1A -> 5/9 ORARI
    DX Stations outside Indonesia : 5/9 DX
    KL2R -> 5/9 DX , E21EIC -> 5/9 DX


  • Single Operator All Band Any Power
  • Power maximal depend on the regulations in each Country


  1. Contacts with own country count 1 point
  2. Contacts with other country in same continent count 1 Point.
  3. Contacts with other country in different continent count 1 Point
  4. Contacts with YB station count 5 Point


  1. Each World Prefixes on each band worth as 1 Multiplier
  2. QSO with every YB Station worth as 1 Multiplier
  3. Each DXCC Country on each band -> 1 Multiplier

User Define Contest & Log Instruction:

  1. Information about logger software and section please see UDC page
  2. Only Cabrillo Format.
  3. No Paper Logs.
  4. Submit/upload your Cabrillo at : log submission page.
  5. All logs must be sent within 7 (seven) days after the end of contest
  6. Notice: Logs received after dead line will count as Check Log

Electronic Certificates are awarded to all participants who submitted the log. Participants with checklog status are not eligible for a certificate.

General Rules:

  1. Self Spotting is allowed.
  2. Only one signal on a band is allowed at any time.
  3. Single Operator Single Band participants count as Single Operator All Band.
  4. The time difference tolerance between LOG SHEETS is 15 Minutes
  5. The ORARI Contest Committee can disqualify if there is a violation on these rules.
  6. The Decision of The North Jakarta ORARI DX Contest Committee is final.